Removing borders is as easy as changing the font. Customize the font, borders, and fill as per your requirements.Now click on the whole slicer and then Format.In case you missed it, right-click on the duplicate slicer style and click modify.Here a dialogue box “Slicer Elements” will open.Now, right-click and click on the duplicate.To start with, select any style in the ribbon that best suits your requirements.
The next thing you need to know is how to change the font of a slicer.

Select the Slicer → Right-click → Slicer Settings. Let us remove the header and save some space. Here in our example, we know that North, East, West & South are the Zones, so we don’t necessarily need the Header “Zone”. We can cut it short in many ways, one of which is removing the headers. Do not worry if your slicer takes up more space. Many times, we run short of space in our reports, especially when we are making a dashboard. So, it is crucial to organize and format the reports and Slicers. A well-organized, eye-catching, and good-looking report will attract more audiences than others. When it comes to useful presentable reports, format plays an important role. Since now we know how to work with slicers, let us start with formatting. You can do this with a single click on the top right button of the slicer. Once you remove all the filters, all of your data will be visible and all the buttons will be highlighted. The last and most important thing is removing the filters. Here we could have used this method if we had to select the data for East & North, or North Or South or South & West. You can also select two or more consecutive buttons by simply clicking and dragging. Therefore, you can see the data of all four regions in the pivot. The blue highlighted buttons (East, North, South & West) are all selected. Let’s try to understand it with a very simple example. As soon as you insert a slicer, you click on any button to filter your data. We will discuss three important things now. Now we will learn how to use the Slicers since we know how to insert one. Related: How to Link/Connect a Single Slicer with Multiple Pivot Tables in Excel How to use Slicer in Excel